The second report of the Advisory Commission against Disinformation is now available


“The phenomenon of disinformation is multidimensional and has no ‘miracle solution'” states the second report of the Advisory Commission against Disinformation convened by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation.

The second and last report of the Advisory Commission against Disinformation, in which the director of our Millennium Nucleus, Ingrid Bachmann, participates, was published yesterday.

This Commission, composed of nine experts, was convened by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation on June 20 of this year through a decree published in the Official Gazette, where a maximum period of one year was set to produce two reports on the phenomenon.

The first report, called “The phenomenon of disinformation: Review of international and Chilean experiences”, was prepared between July and August 2023 and delivered on August 28 of the same year. It provided a diagnosis of the problem at the national and international level, together with key definitions.

This second report, on the other hand, compiles a series of 72 recommendations grouped into six sections:

  1. Disinformation: The multilateral debate and Chile’s participation.
  2. Disinformation spaces.
  3. Disinformation and state spaces.
  4. Disinformation and education through media, information and digital literacy.
  5. Strengthening of the media as a tool against disinformation.
  6. Research on disinformation.

“The phenomenon of disinformation is multidimensional and has no “miracle solution”. Consequently, this technical commission proposes recommendations from different perspectives to advance in the fight against disinformation, seeking to protect the public interest, human rights and individual rights”, say the experts in the introduction to the document received by Ministers Camila Vallejo and Aisén Etcheverry.

The text also establishes nine principles that governed its elaboration, such as strengthening a healthy public sphere, recognizing the importance of designing public policies, the recognition and respect for all human rights, the importance of protecting the integrity of information, among others.

You can review the report “Recommendations to counteract disinformation in Chile” here.
